Refund Policy -  Our Cancellation and Refund Terms

Last Updated: August 22, 2023

1. General Refunds

Subscription fees are only refundable as specified under our Money Back Guarantee. The auto-booking feature is an one-off service. Once the appointment is booked as requested, the service is considered  fulfilled and can't be refunded.

2. Money Back Guarantee

For notification and auto-booking subscription users:
- Notification subscribers: Full refund within 24 hours of subscription.
- Auto-booking subscribers: Refund available before the appointment is booked. For users who don't have an existing appointment before using our service, the DVSA fee is also refundable if you want us to pay on your behalf before the appointment is booked.

3. Requesting a Refund

To request a refund, contact our customer support via with your account details and reason for the refund request.

4. Refund Processing

Approved refunds will be processed within 1-10 business days, depending on the bank you used to complete the payment.
If you have questions or concerns about our Refund Policy, please contact us at